Wizardry, by the way, is not the prettiest looking RPG for the Famicom, that's for sure. It's also not the easiest to play. But along with Ultima, the 1981 Apple II release of Wizardry laid down the guidelines that most RPGs still follow to a certain extent. You can definitely see its influence on the original Final Fantasy. In this screen shot here, everyone in my party is either paralyzed or dead - something you'll see a lot in FF.
FF did make some adjustments to some of the more frustrating aspects of Wizardry. In Wizardry almost every treasure chest dropped by a monster is booby trapped. You can try to disarm them... but its not uncommon to open a chest, obtain 10 pieces of gold and, as a bonus, get paralyzed: a status effect that costs 100 pieces of gold to cure! In other words, life is not fair in this game.
Take your time, really looking forward to the next episode!
I hope your voice resumes its usual soothing tones soon.
And I remember, around the time Wizardry for NES came out, finding a copy of the guide for it, which was the densest publication I'd ever seen dedicated to a video game, and certainly far less entertaining than anything by Nintendo Power.
Eagerly looking forward to the next episode. :)
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