Also, my wife dragged me to see The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which was not quite as bad as I feared.
One little treat in store is that we'll see a few scenes from the original PC-88 version of Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom. And let me tell you, that game is really horrifying looking, and is quite different than the NES game you all know and *love*.

You will be tormented by the "hit" button, which can never be used on Percy.
Please hurry! I used up all the rest of your videos already. Also, thank you for doing this.
Holy mother of christ, that game sounds really awful. I mean, Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, I never heard of that title, but it sounds like a really insane game. And I thought Burgertime was weird. Or Demonworld. Psyched about this, we need a new king on the Kasuge throne, "Hokotu no Ken" took this place far too long for now.
I wouldn't go so far as to call Princess Tomato "awful." In fact, it really is well-loved by quite a few NES fans. It's just... eccentric and dated the way so many old Japanese games are.
It would be remiss not to mention that after Talking Time user Octopus Prime's excellent Let's Play of Princess Tomato that lead to Percy being something of a meme on the forums.
It's also worth noting that the game itself is less then enjoyable in a staggering number of ways.
If any video game character was ever destined to become a meme, it was Percy. Look at that face!! How can you not adore/despise him?
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